More than 300 swimmers are expected to take part in the Buzzards Bay Swim, and all money raised will be directed to programs aimed at keeping the bay clean.
(From the Buzzards Bay Coalition)
The Buzzards Bay Coalition’s 24th annual Buzzards Bay Swim was cancelled this morning due to unsafe weather conditions as the stormy remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy passed over Buzzards Bay. But that didn’t stop more than 350 dedicated swimmers from raising $130,000 for clean water at this signature outdoor fundraising event...
A record setting year, fund-raising wise, for the 23rd annual Buzzards Bay swim.
More than 240 swimmers made their way from a New Bedford beach off East Rodney French Boulevard to Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven Saturday morning.
Organizer Mark Rasmussen of the Buzzards Bay Coalition says the event raised $120,000 with more money still coming in...
The 20th annual Buzzards Bay Swim attracted more than 300 swimmers and raised thousands of dollars for the Buzzards Bay Coalition .
Swimmers jumped in the water Saturday at Davey's Locker in New Bedford, and swam a mile and a quarter to the shores of Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven...
Saturday marks 20 years people have been making the annual swim from New Bedford to Fairhaven.
The 20th annual Buzzards Bay Swim organized by the Buzzards Bay Coalition will see over 300 swimmers plunge into the waters at the Davy's Locker Beach, and swim over a mile to Fort Phoenix beach across the way...