Supermarket Promotion Is Quite Unique
What attracts you to a supermarket? Most of the folks I have spoken with said "cheap prices" was their draw, not brand loyalty or gas pumps. A convenient location was the second consideration given, but far and away, it came down to who had the best prices. In the New Bedford area, Market Basket has added competition for Stop & Shop and Shaw's. And now, Market Basket has come out with a year long promotion of saving 4% off the total bill every time you shop. With the Commonwealth cutting back 5.5% in monthly benefit assistance, some are looking at this promotion as bread from heaven. Market Basket management say the struggling shoppers need the savings more than the company needs the profits. The discounts don't apply to wine, beer, bottle deposits, any tobacco product, milk, lottery sales, postage stamps or gift cards. From every indication, a year long promotion like this is very different and quite unheard of.