Tired of Potholes? SouthCoast Roads to Get $4.3 Million Makeover
BOSTON — The state legislature passed a $350 million transportation financing bill Thursday that will provide cities and towns with support for local road and bridge repairs — and more than $4.3 million of that will go to SouthCoast communities.
New Bedford Senator Mark Montigny, one of the bill's proponents, announced that it will see $4,313,878 going towards infrastructure repairs in New Bedford, Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, and Mattapoisett.
According to Montigny's office, the distribution of funding on the SouthCoast will be as follows:
- Acushnet - $316,796
- Dartmouth - $1,184,333
- Fairhaven - $512,050
- Mattapoisett - $228,440
- New Bedford - $2,072,259
Altogether the financing bill includes $200 million for municipalities along with $150 million divided into six $25 million grant programs.
The grants will go towards small bridges, bottleneck relief, transit support infrastructure, municipal buses, mass transit access, and electric vehicles along with related infrastructure.
“This funding will give New Bedford and surrounding towns the resources to conduct vital infrastructure repairs,” said Montigny. “In addition to the expected local funding, these grant allocations will help communities to tackle pressing issues and improve transportation options for residents.”
The Massachusetts legislature has passed the bill, which just awaits a signature from Governor Charlie Baker before becoming law.