This is the time of year that everyone resolves to get healthier. For some, that includes quitting smoking and others it may be losing weight. If you've tried smoking or losing weight on your own multiple times without success, then hypnosis might be the solution to help you achieve your goal for 2015.

Mark Patrick hypnosis is coming to New Bedford on January 14th to help people keep their resolutions this year and have success. Mark Patrick has helped over half a million Americans quit smoking and lose weight through his seminars.  There are 2 seminars and limited spaces are available. Be sure to arrive a half hour early for registration and a guaranteed spot.

Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Location: Fairfield Inn & Suites in New Bedford, 185 Macarthur Drive

Weight Loss seminar time: 5:30pm-7:30pm (Arrive by 5:00pm)

Smoking Cessation time: 8:00pm-10:00pm (Arrive by 7:30pm)

Price: $49.99

100% Guaranteed

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