Patrick Shares Concerns With NRC About Pilgrim Nuclear Plant
Gov. Deval Patrick has written the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, expressing concerns about the safety of the Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth.
Patrick was fulfilling a promise he made earlier this month after meeting with the head of a group of Cape Cod residents hoping to close the plant.
In a letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairwoman Allison Macfarlane, Patrick said he was writing on behalf of 15 southeastern Massachusetts communities that have expressed concerns in the event of an accident.
Patrick said he shares those concerns because of a lack of what he called a ``viable evacuation route'' off of Cape Cod.
He said the NRC should require the plant be decommissioned if it can't comply with health, safety and environmental regulations.
The NRC relicensed Pilgrim through 2032. The plant's operators say it's safe and secure. (Associated Press)