OPINION | Barry Richard: Politics Leave Mass Schools Unsafe
Massachusetts schools are no safer today than they were when a high school in Parkland, Florida was attacked by a known madman with a gun on Valentine's Day.
For all of the debate about gun laws, the Second Amendment, arming teachers and increased security, not much has happened. And it appears not much will happen.
We can't "hey hey" and "ho ho" our way to safer schools. Student walkouts and marches in Washington, D.C. won't prevent a single student from dying the next time a madman with a gun attacks a school.
I've got some bad news for the gun haters. The Second Amendment is not going to be repealed. NRA membership has skyrocketed since student demonstrations began. And yes, there will be another school shooting. More students and staff will die unnecessarily.
Immediately following the Parkland shooting, President Trump offered sensible solutions. Rather than launching into the same old "blame the gun" tirade, Trump questioned why our schools are largely unprotected in the first place. He suggested using retired military officers to provide security for our schools, and said arming trained and qualified teachers would give our students and staff a fighting chance, should they come under attack.
Trump's ideas were attacked and dismissed by the left, which has offered nothing in the way of alternatives for making our schools safer. The leftists say armed protection would make the schools less safe. Seriously? Do armed guards make the Capitol and State House less safe?
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education voted unanimously yesterday to reject arming teachers. The vote is meaningless, as it carries no weight of authority at all. Meaningless. So, why debate it at all, if not motivated by politics? It is comforting to note that the board made no recommendations whatsoever about how to make the schools more secure.
By the way, state lawmakers who bloviate about the NRA and AR-15's have yet to allocate a single dollar for school security since Parkland.
Maybe when we're tired of marching and walking out, and CNN Town Hall discussions lose their luster, we can get down to the real debate over what it will take to make our schools safe once and for all.