Needham School Axes Halloween
The principal at Mitchell Elementary School in Needham announced to parents that Halloween will be expunged, cancelled, erased and abolished at his school because it's not inclusive and can be awkward for some children. Gregory Bayse said even though students have celebrated Halloween with class parties and a parade of little ones in costume for many years in the past, it's not a holiday celebrated by "all" families, so in a "near-unanimous" decision Halloween will not happen there! Instead, students will "celebrate Autumn" on November 9.
Bayse went on to pontificate that he realizes it will be disappointing to a few but in the long-term, this change will benefit the students and the Needham community because so many families keep their children home from school that day!
Can I burst out in laughter now? Here's another pathetic example of how political correctness tries to solve the problem of equity while robbing kids of their childhood! Trick or Treat? You decide.