Mayor’s Office: City Computers Slowly Going Back Online
Here's the latest from the City of New Bedford on the disruption of the city's computer network:
The City of New Bedford continues to implement restoration plans to address a recent intrusion on its municipal computer network. The effort will take time, but various software applications are being brought back online; desktop work stations are being restored to service, and many departments are regaining access to network-based data that had been temporarily restricted.
Cybersecurity professionals have strongly advised against the City providing any details at this time regarding the impacts of the intrusion and the City’s responses. The risk of public information being used against the City remains real and disclosure would not be in the City’s best interests.
The City is not alone in being targeted. According to cybersecurity professionals, intrusions against New Bedford and other local governments in the region and across the nation, continue to take place with increased frequency and sophistication. The City has taken two key steps to address the elevated risk environment.
First, leading cybersecurity experts have been engaged to advise and assist in the restoration effort. The City has been advised for security reasons not to disclose at this time the identity of the cybersecurity firm providing technical assistance to IT staff.
Second, the City has confirmed the integrity of its existing anti-virus protections, and where appropriate, protections are being strengthened through the use of enhanced anti-virus technology and protocols.
Despite the disruption, there has been little to no impact on the City’s ability to provide essential public services. City departments that directly serve the public all report that they are operating normally. New Bedford residents remain unlikely to experience any negative impacts because the disruption has been restricted to internal administrative processes.
Information from the City of New Bedford
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