Mayor Won’t Sign School Budget Provision
A law granting the City Council more control over school funding has been on the books since 1987, but had never been approved until Thursday night.
The council adopted the measure that would allow them to consider both the mayor's $118.8 million school budget proposal and the School Committee's $120.4 million proposal.
School Committee chairman Bruce Oliveira says this action will allow the City Council greater financial flexibility.
"It gives them the ability in the future to, should the need arise and it's warranted, accept a School Committee budget."
The provision must be signed by Mayor Jon Mitchell by the end of today (Friday 5/29) to take effect in this yea'r budget discussions, but he says he won't sign it due to current financial constraints on the city.
"This isn't a provision I support. It will lead to spending money we don't have so I don't plan on signing this measure," Mitchell said during a phone conversation Thursday night.
"Look, I would like to give more money to the school system, but the city just can't afford to be doing it this year."