Markey Campaigns In New Bedford, Denies Taking Southcoast Voters For Granted
Mass. Congressman and Senate candidate Ed Markey says he's campaigned many times in New Bedford since announcing his candidacy, and is not taking Southcoast voters for granted.
Markey stopped in New Bedford Thursday , after ignoring an invitation to join Republican Gabriel Gomez Wednesday night at a UMass Dartmouth forum.
Markey met with the Standard Times Editorial Board on Thursday, and also spoke with WBSM News. He blames Republican members of Congress for the failure so far, to get financial assistance to New England fishermen.
Markey's Republican opponent, Gabrial Gomez says he's opposed to direct financial aid to fishermen.
Markey says he met with Mayor Mitchell as early as last February to get the low-down on Southcoast issues, and the Malden Democrat says since then, he's been here four or five times meeting with voters.
He also recently joined the Mayor and Rep. Antonio Cabral in touring various economic development projects in New Bedford. Mayor Mitchell says Markey is someone who can advance New Bedford's agenda in Washington.
The Senate election is June 25.