U.S. Senator Liz Warren (D-MA) has accused challenger Geoff Diehl (R-Whitman) of participating in “a rally organized by the largest anti-Muslim hate group in America" in Bourne last spring. Warren's comments, made during a debate on WBZ-TV, were ill-informed and warrant an apology.

Geoff Diehl For Senate Facebook (Used with permission)
Geoff Diehl For Senate Facebook (Used with permission)

The rally Warren refers to was a pro-police rally organized by ACT For America, a non-profit which, according to its website, is about protecting the rights of all under the Constitution, “focused on educating, engaging, and mobilizing citizens and elected officials to impact legislative outcomes to keep America safe and secure,” regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality or religious beliefs.

Warren noted during the debate that Act for America is a group designated as a hate group by the radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center.

Geoff Diehl For Senate Facebook (Used with permission)
Geoff Diehl For Senate Facebook (Used with permission)

Diehl told Tim Dunn of CapeCod.com “It is disappointing that Senator Warren doesn’t know that the town’s name is Bourne, not Burn.” (Warren mispronounced Bourne when leveling the accusation.)

“It is even worse that she would try to suggest that a rally to back police officers is racist. This is not the first time she has linked the police to racism. Geoff Diehl will be a senator who supports our police. He knows that they are heroes, not racists,” Diehl told Dunn.

On its website, the SPLC says ACT for America “has undoubtedly grown to become the largest anti-Muslim group in America.” But National Review referred to the SPLC as "Hate Inc." and "a hyper-partisan scam" in a piece published on March 1 of this year.

Warren has a habit of making outrageous statements on any number of topics, but she continues to direct her vitriol towards police and immigration officials. Her rhetoric might appeal to the violent left-wing mob she hopes will support her candidacy for president in 2020, but it is not very appealing to those of us looking for a U.S. Senator who will support law and order.

Massachusetts deserves much better than Elizabeth Warren.

Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at barry@wbsm.com and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. 

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