Lawmakers Want Action On Cannon Street Cleanup
The New Bedford legislative delegation is demanding action by the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection to come up with a plan for the cleanup of the Cannon Street Power Station site on the city's waterfront.
The site is owned by Eversource, formerly NSTAR.
Lawmakers met Wednesday with D-E-P officials in Boston, and Rep. William Straus says the delegation delivered a firm message to the agency. "It is time, I hope for the state's enforcement agency to be as agressive in New Bedford as they would be with any other owner with pollution on their site," said Straus.
The Mattapoisett Democrat says Lawmakers Want Action On Cannon Street Cleanup
D-E-P is also asking the utility to hand over documents spelling out steps for a cleanup, and the estimated cost. Those documents were drawn up by K-G Urban Enterprises, a casino developer that was eyeing the Cannon Street site for a waterfront casino.
K-G Urban withdrew the project in July when the financial backing fell through.
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