Apparently mosquitoes love a good party, too. This most dangerous, deadly animal on earth for humans enjoys alcohol.

Yes, they're the bane of our summer existence, and even more so when adult beverages are involved.

READ ON: 10 Deadliest Animals to Humans Include Surprises 

We all have that friend that can hang outside with us and rarely get bitten by mosquitoes while others seem to be a magnet for mosquitoes. One of those reasons may have to do with how much everyone is boozing it up.


According to The Week website, our blood is a smorgasbord of tastiness when we're drinking adult beverages. As a matter of fact, three beers leads to 30 percent more bites from mosquitoes.


A mosquito is sucking blood, by piercing its proboscis mouth into the skin
Jojo Dexter

And get this, these annoying little nuisances have a special enzyme that helps them break down alcohol before it even hits their nervous system. So one bite won't hinder them or even get them intoxicated.

Bugs are no lightweights, often withstanding vapor concentrations of 60 percent alcohol, allowing them to drink you, a much-larger creature, under the table.

The more we drink those mojitos and margaritas, the more delectable we come for bites according to Food and Wine magazine.

Mosquitoes “smell” people, and scent is one of the main senses that mosquitoes use to find food. When an odor is detected by neurons within their sensory hairs, a chemical signal is sent to the brain.

A mixture of body odors, body heat, and our personal chemical compounds in our skin draws mosquitoes and we know consuming more than a couple glasses of wine or a few bottles of beer heats up our body temperature.

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