When one bit of technology fails, it opens the door for some new technology to take its place.

That’s what we’re learning at WBSM, after our phone system went kaput Monday at the tail end of my show. We were unable to take your phone calls during The Barry Richard Show and SouthCoast Tonight.

However, don’t think that because the old fashioned way of calling into the station has temporarily gone down that your voice can’t be heard! We actually have two really great ways for you to interact with us via the WBSM app.

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Even though our engineer worked hard all afternoon and evening to get the phones working, we still want to make sure you know how to use these awesome tools.

If you open up the app, you’ll see two buttons right in the middle of the screen – ”App Chat” and “Open Line.” These are how you can connect with us right in the studio.

Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media
Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media

If you’ve never used App Chat before, it’s as simple as texting. You just open it up, and it’s automatically programmed to send in the message to the show that’s currently on the air. Type out your message, send it over, and we can read it on air or even respond right back to you with a text of our own.

Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media
Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media

Open Line harkens back to the days of Stan Lipp and countless other hosts on WBSM. It’s your chance to record audio just like it was a phone call, and send it to us to play on air. Think of it as if you were leaving us a voice mail (because that's exactly what it is).

Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media
Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media

Here's how: select the Open Line option, and hit the big red button that says “Select and Submit Media Now.”

Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media
Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media

Then, select “Record Short Audio Clip” and let loose with what you want to say (please, keep it clean so we can play it over the radio).

Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media
Tim Weisberg/Townsquare Media

Then once you’re done, tap “Submit Recording” and it will send it right into us.

What’s great is that even when our phones are up and running again, these features will never go away. They’ll always be there as a way for you to interact with us right through your app, anytime, anywhere.

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What a year it's been! Check out the top stories of 2022 on WBSM.com and on the WBSM app. Click on the title or photo to read the entire story.

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