Tips for Reducing Holiday Mail Theft
I cannot remember when I purchased a postage stamp or mailed something using old-fashioned snail mail. It has been a while. Times change, and we do as well, sometimes without even realizing it.
I've never been much of a letter writer, and with the advent of online banking, bill paying means never having to lick an envelope again.
Years ago, I stopped mailing out traditional Christmas cards. I still receive a trickle of cards each holiday season from those friends still devoted to the tradition, and for that, I am appreciative.
Either the rising cost of postage stamps, procrastination, or both led to the demise of my Christmas card list.
I remember, as a kid, you used to be able to send money through the mail. It was never advisable, but that didn't stop Grandma or an aunt from sending cash for your birthday. They just wrapped it in a piece of paper so a nosy postal worker couldn't see it, and into the mailbox it went.
We live in a different day and age, and not only is it ill-advised to send cash through the mail, but it is also wise to know what you are doing when sending anything using the mail system.
News reports from the country report an increase in mail theft, not only from your home mailbox but from the blue U.S. Postal Service mailbox often found on street corners or outside the post office.

Some reports urge readers not to use the blue collection boxes, at least during the holiday season. AL.com recommends you avoid depositing mail in the collection boxes "after the last collection of the day or during Sundays and federal holidays," among other things.
The site also suggests, "The most secure way to send mail is through the local post office retail counter. If that's not feasible, the next safest way is to use the inside collection slots that deposit mail directly into the post office."
While I have found no advisories from the Postal Service specific to the SouthCoast region, the United States Postal Inspection Service offers some valuable tips and advice about how not to become a victim of mail or package fraud.
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