Golf Course Management Expected to Go Out to Bid Next Month
It may not seem like golfing weather right now, but those who play at the Whaling City Golf Course are already worried about if they'll be able to hit their favorite links anytime soon.
In his weekly appearance on WBSM, New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell says there is a lot of working going on at "The Whale," primarily making the switch from Johnson Golf Management to a new management company taking over the course.
"There's been the discussion around developing a part of the golf course for commercial purposes while retaining a golf course on the side, but separate from that, Johnson Golf Management has invoked its right under its management contract to get out of its contract," Mitchell said.
That means the job of running the golf course is now going out to bid.
"We expect that to happen, we're thinking in January," Mitchell said. "Then, the golf course will be fully opened again in the spring, and we won't miss the warm weather months."
Mitchell said he knows that doesn't satisfy some of the "die hards" that would play today if they could, however.
The course is expected to revert back to its historic nine-hole design once commercial development is underway at the site.