‘Ghost Hunters’ Star to Join Spooky Southcoast This Saturday
This week on Spooky Southcoast, the one and only Amy Bruni of SyFy's Ghost Hunters is our special guest. Amy will join us in the Spooky Studio and will take YOUR calls at (508) 996-0500 or (877) 996-1420.
She'll discuss her work in the paranormal field, investigating for television, her upcoming paranormal events with fellow Ghost Hunters star Adam Berry, and so much more.
And with the Red Sox likely pushing our start time back a bit, we're actually going to begin streaming the program just after 10 p.m. EST on Spooky TV at SpookySouthcoast.com and on WBSM.com, so you won't miss a minute of the show. Plus, you can join in the chat room there as well!