Five Races to be Narrowed Down in New Bedford Election Tomorrow
NEW BEDFORD - New Bedford voters will go to the polls Tuesday to narrow down the field of candidates ahead of the November municipal election.
With three candidates running for mayor, all eligible voters in the city can cast a ballot to select the two men that will face off in the final election.
There are also preliminary elections being held for candidates running for Wards One, Two, Four, and Five.
The polls open at 7am and close at 8pm.
Preliminary Election Races:
- Mayor
- Jon Mitchell (I)
- Mitchell Garner
- Charles P. Perry Jr.
- Ward 1
- Christopher Amaral
- Steven J. Caton
- Daniel B. Costa
- Melissa M. Costa
- William Brad Markey
- Randy J. Santos
- Mark R. Ventura
- Ward 2
- Edwin A. Cartagena
- Maria E. Giesta
- Carlos Felix Pimental
- Ward 4
- Dana Rebeiro (I)
- Joseph “Jo-Jo” Fortes
- Kenneth Gilbert
- Ward 5
- Paul E. Chasse
- Scott J. Lima
- Nelson M. Macedo
- David Sullivan
- Kathleen P. Towers