Fall River Plans Earth Day Cleanup
It's hard not to notice that it's been a rough year for litter around the SouthCoast. The litter problem is not just being noticed in one or two spots, it seems that every community has seen an increase in litter at one level or another.
I know that Bristol County House of Correction inmates used to volunteer to clean up the sides of the roads as a way to get some fresh air and leave the confines of the prison. I'm not sure if that program has been suspended due to COVID, but, for whatever reason, it certainly looks like the litter is piling up faster than people can clean it up.
In an effort to do something about the problem, Fall River has decided to take advantage of upcoming Earth Day celebrations to try to get together some help to clean up the city.
Officially, Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22nd, but to make it more convenient, the Fall River cleanup is being planned for Saturday, April 24th. Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan is calling for a Community Cleanup. "Help spruce up your city as spring begins," said the flyer.
People interested in getting involved are invited to meet outside of Fall River City Hall at 10am on April 22nd. Tools, gloves, and trash bags will be provided.
If everyone pitches in just a little bit in their little piece of the planet, we could make a real dent in the litter problem. It doesn't take much if we all do just a little.