DPI Headquarters Renamed After Former Commissioner
New Bedford elected officials and department heads gathered Monday afternoon to celebrate the work of former Department of Public Infrastructure Ron Labelle.
The department's Shawmut Avenue headquarters was officially renamed the Ronald H. Labelle Public Infrastructure Complex after Labelle retired from his post earlier this June.
Successor Zeb Arruda said Labelle was a man with a vision to better the city and its infrastructure.
"He was a man with a vision, a vision that we could do it just as good as the private sector, if not better," said Arruda.
When asked about his greatest project during his time at DPI, Labelle said it was building the team that continues to serve the city.
"It was putting together a group of professionals who were going to buy into a concept of 'We're better.' 'We can do anything we put our minds to.' 'We can accomplish any task we choose to accomplish.' 'We can be as successful as we want to be successful,'" Labelle said.
Colleagues spoke about Labelle's dedication to the job and his ability to work within the confines of tight city budgets to get things done.
Labelle served the city for 28 years, 12 of which as DPI commissioner.