There were 26 locations in Massachusetts vying to be the home of Amazon's second headquarters but only one made it onto the internet giant's shortlist: Boston.
The Bristol County District Attorney's Office is investigating an apparent suicide that took place in the parking lot of the New Bedford Police Department headquarters.
New Bedford Police will collect unwanted and expired prescription medications from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28, as part of the 14th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
DARTMOUTH - The Dartmouth Police Department is crossing its collective fingers ahead of Tuesday's town election. That's when residents will decide whether to approve a $13 million debt exclusion to build a new headquarters at the site of the former Gidley School...
New Bedford elected officials and department heads gathered Monday afternoon to celebrate the work of former Department of Public Infrastructure Ron Labelle.
A New Bedford firefighter has reportedly been run over by a firetruck.
Scanner reports indicate the incident took place around 10:45 this morning in front of the Fire Department Headquarters on Pleasant street.
New Bedford Police tell WBSM News early rerports indicate the firefighter sustained injuries to his foot and/or ankle after one of the wheels of the truck rolled over him...
The New Bedford Police Department is accepting applications for it's revived Citizen's Police Academy. The academy will be held this Fall, with anyone 18 years or older eligible to apply.
Lt. Amos Melo tells WBSM News participants will get a sampling of what police officers need to know in order to carry out their duties...