Dartmouth’s Cecil Smith Landfill to Remain As Is For Now
A decisive superior court ruling for the Town of Dartmouth this week. A judge has upheld the Conservation Commission's denial of a permit to Boston Environmental Commission to dump contaminants in the Cecil Smith Landfill, and then cap it.
Michael O'Reilly, Environmental Affairs Coordinator for the commission, says BEC conducted initial shallow testing which showed the dormant landfill was not significantly contaminated. O'Reilly tells WBSM News BEC refused to conduct more intense testing, which likely would have yielded the same results. "We wanted to fully characterize the site to make sure that this potential contamination wouldn't affect the groundwater and the drinking water supplies because a portion of that is within the aquifer," explained O'Reilly.
BEC's proposal would have brought in contaminants to the site, possibly seeping into the town's groundwater.
The Conservation Commission and town residents have been fighting vigorously against the proposal since 2012.