Dartmouth Woman Warns Others of Potential ‘Mother God’ Incident
Patricia Oliveira of Dartmouth posted about an unusual experience at the TJ Maxx in Dartmouth on Monday night.
"Earlier tonight, my younger sister and I went to TJ Maxx in Dartmouth, and at some point in our browsing around the store, we split up. I was in the back of the store when these two women in their late twenties to early thirties approached me. The one who approached me first stated her name was “Stephanie” and started to whisper to me about believing in the Bible and tried to convince me to join their bible study group. I just looked at her confused saying no I’m okay, but she insisted on showing and telling me about this bible study group, as she’s still whispering by the way.
At this point, my younger sister saw me, came over and nonchalantly introduced herself thinking I was talking to some friends of mine. The woman continued her conversation and right when my sister heard what she was speaking about, she instantly told the lady I was not interested whatsoever and to leave us alone. The women insisted that I was interested (which I never once said) and started to try and continue her speech, but at this point, my sister and I walked away annoyed and at a loss for words.
My younger sister informed me that she remembers reading about “God the Mother” being a ploy used by human trafficking groups right now. Still in shock, my sister and I continue to finish our shopping; we then realize the two women were going in every direction of the store we were going in. At this point, my sister then alarmed one of the employees working nearby of their suspicious activity. They were asked to leave the store. My younger sister and I then realized there’s a man in his mid-thirties who is now slowly following us all while being mad suspect acting like he’s shopping, but staring at us. At this point, my younger sister and I decided to just cash out and get the hell out of there.
All I’m going to say is this s*** really happens. Everything happened so fast that taking pictures or asking what they think they're doing were the last things crossing our minds. We just tried to get out of the situation the quickest and safest way. I always read/hear about these kinds of things thinking 'oh wow that’s crazy' but that’ll never happen to me so it’s ok. Well, today my outlook has changed. Everyone heed this warning and be very careful. These women were super pushy and could have easily overpowered me if I was alone. These two women only approached me because out of everyone in TJ Maxx that they had seen first, I was the only one alone."
FUN 107 reached out to Oliveira for further comment and she stated that she called the police as soon as she left the parking lot. Detective Kyle Costa with the Dartmouth Police Department confirmed that a call came through at 9:37 p.m. and that officers arrived at TJ Maxx at 9:39 p.m. However, nothing's been substantiated yet. DPD says that there are "no connections to human trafficking at this time."
We also contacted TJ Maxx and the manager on duty Monday night claimed that an associate did approach her just before closing in regards to someone talking about religion with other customers since they have a no soliciting policy. However, she could not find anyone in the store when she went to check. She did inform the District Manager of the situation on Tuesday morning.
Detective Costa would like to remind the community to always be vigilant and report suspicious activity.
"You never know. We always encourage people to call when they're uncomfortable and see something suspicious," he said. "I would also just say that sometimes, be careful what you post so as not to create panic in the community."
I went to high school with Patricia and I really do not think that these girls would make up this kind of story as a hoax. I truly believe that she was trying to warn others, especially girls and young women in the area, about what happened to them and to be aware of their surroundings.
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