City Council to Discuss Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban in New Bedford
NEW BEDFORD — In line with the chain reaction of Massachusetts cities and towns to initiate a ban on single-use plastic bags, City Councillors will be acting on proposed legislation for such a ban.
Ward Six City Councillor Joe Lopes filed the written motion, which requests the Committee on Ordinances to begin the process of drafting legislation that would require multi-state and national chain stores larger than 10,000 square feet to begin phasing out plastic bags.
If passed, the phase-out process would last until December 31 and therefore prohibit the distribution of single-use plastic bags by the chain stores effective January 1, 2020.
Ward Three City Councillor Hugh Dunn says the motion moves the city in a “greener direction.”
“I wouldn’t want to see a situation where we’re charging folks more to use paper bags or are making the grocery store more expensive. But, this is something that’s going on across the country and New Bedford has had a focus on being a more eco-friendly city with New Bedford Resilience and our focus on offshore wind,” said Dunn.
“I think this is just another step in the right direction and I support Councillor Lopes on this motion.”
In addition, Council President Linda Morad will submit a copy of an email from the American Progressive Bag Alliance to be used as a reference to the Council’s proposed motion.