Chief Cordeiro Calls on New Bedford Residents to Speak Up for a Safer City
Sometimes called "The Secret City," New Bedford has a reputation for a lot happening with little said. Newly sworn-in Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro is hoping to break that spirit, and replace it with a spirit of caring.
During his swearing-in ceremony Thursday, Cordeiro encouraged the community not to be afraid to speak up when they're called upon. "We need you to help us. We need you to give us information," said Cordeiro. "It may seem miniscule to you, unimportant. But it may be the last piece of the puzzle that we need either to make a case or save a life."
During his first address as Chief, Cordeiro said the community and the police force need to work together to be a "city of one."
He also lent support to fellow police officers, saying they have a friend in the corner office they can depend on. "I know the burdens you go through. Leaving your home, not knowing what kind of day you're going to have. I know what you're carrying. And I'm not talking about this belt with all this equipment. Because we get to take this off at the end of the day. That's easy. It's the other stuff that we carry."
Cordeiro urged police officers to view residents as equals, and vice versa, to bring unity to the city.
Also sworn into office was Deputy Chief Paul Oliveira. Oliveira thanked Acting Police Chief David Lizotte, who is retiring from the force this month, for his 32 years of service in the New Bedford Police Department.