Celebrate World Down Syndrome Awareness Day with 21FrienDS
Wednesday, March 21st is World Down Syndrome Awareness Day and everyone is invited to celebrate!
**UPDATE: Due to inclement weather, this event is being postponed until Saturday, March 31st from 5p-11p at Rachel's Lakeside in Dartmouth.**
Each year, all over the world, March 21 is recognized World Down Syndrome Awareness Day in honor of the 3-21 chromosome present in a person with Down syndrome.
This year, the Westport-based group 21FrienDS is hosting their eighth annual World Down Syndrome Awareness Day event at White's of Westport and everyone is invited
Who: 21FrienDS invites the general public
What: World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
When: Wednesday, March 21 from 5-11 p.m.
Where: White's of Westport, 66 State Rd., Westport, MA
Why: The event is just one of many the group hosts in an on-going effort to promote advocacy, understanding, and awareness of all aspects of Down syndrome. It will feature live entertainment, raffles, silent auction, light appetizers, and a cash bar. Admission is free.
21FrienDS is a 501(c)3 founded in 2008 and has provided support and education to families and their children with Down syndrome. The group is made up of 150 families from Rhode Island to Cape Cod and throughout the years they have been able to start Special Olympic Young Athlete programs in our area and send more than 40 educators and parents to the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Educators Forum to help teach them ways to help children with Down syndrome learn.
Anyone looking for additional information on 21FrienDS or wishes to make a donation to the event's silent auction and raffle can contact founder Kim Legendre at 508-989-2706.
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