6 Words to Use to Sound Like a SouthCoast Native
While the SouthCoast is very similar to the rest of Massachusetts and New England when it comes to slang words, there are a few that we own all on our own. We are more than just “wicked” and ‘bubblah.” After seeing an article that highlights the slang words to learn in order to sound like a Colorado native, I figured it was time to list our favorite SouthCoast terms proudly.
If you want to sound like a SouthCoast native, there are six key words to add to your daily vocabulary as soon as possible. You might not be surprised to learn that a lot of these have Portuguese influences. Our community embraces it without question and it’s what makes us so unique.
Not only will we tell you which words you need to know, but how to pronounce them correctly and how to use them properly in conversation. You don't want to experience a social faux pa with these terms on the SouthCoast. Stick to these guidelines to avoid any embarrassment in the future.
If you think of any more that we should add to our list, let us know. We're trying to stay specific to the SouthCoast region of Massachusetts.