
Bathroom Bill Clears House
Bathroom Bill Clears House
Bathroom Bill Clears House
For nearly seven hours Wednesday, state representatives debated the so-called "bathroom bill." The bill passed by a 116-36 margin, and would ban discrimination of individuals who use a public facility such as a bathroom or a locker room based on what gender they identify as...
Trans Bill Clears Senate
Trans Bill Clears Senate
Trans Bill Clears Senate
BOSTON (AP) _ The Massachusetts Senate has approved a bill to ban discrimination against transgender people in public accommodations. The Senate passed the bill with a 33-4 vote Thursday. Democratic Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz said it's past time for Massachusetts to stay true to its history as a civil rights pioneer...
Transgender Flag
Transgender Flag
Transgender Flag
BOSTON (AP) _ Elected officials and activists have raised a flag at Boston City Hall representing the transgender community. Democratic Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a supporter of transgender rights, said Monday the flag will continue to fly until everyone is equal under the law in Massachusetts...
Election Fraud Suit
Election Fraud Suit
Election Fraud Suit
A lawsuit has been filed in Federal Court in Boston against former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin. The suit, reportedly filed by the MA Sanders Voters and Volunteers Disenfranchised by Bill Clinton, was filed Wednesday and alleges President Clinton disenfranchised voters through illegal campaign activity in Massachusetts on March 1, Super Tuesday...
Teachers Support Trans Bill
Teachers Support Trans Bill
Teachers Support Trans Bill
BOSTON (AP) _ The state's two largest teachers unions are backing legislation that would expand a 2011 Massachusetts law that bans discrimination against transgender people in the workplace and in housing. Presidents of the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the American Federation of Teachers said Monday they support the legislation...
Opioid Bill Approved
Opioid Bill Approved
Opioid Bill Approved
BOSTON (AP) _ The Massachusetts House and Senate have given final approval to a wide-ranging effort to address the state's deadly opioid addiction crisis. The Senate on Thursday unanimously approved the bill that would limit initial painkiller prescriptions to a seven-day supply and set an evaluation requirement within 24 hours for overdose victims seeking help at hospital emergency rooms... Read
Naughty Neighbors
Naughty Neighbors
Naughty Neighbors
Did you hear the latest "legislation" story that will have you singing that insurance jingle, "Like a good neighbor" ... I get the concept of "Love Thy Neighbor," but Rhode Island is about to flip that around. Democrats in the Rhode Island General Assembly have passed a law that will require home owners to prune up or pay up...
Location, Location, Location!
Location, Location, Location!
Location, Location, Location!
I don't know who picked the spot for President Bill Clinton's visit to New Bedford, but what the heck were they thinking?! President Clinton visited the Whaling City today, stumping for his wife, Hillary. The visit wasn't officially confirmed until Monday evening, with city officials saying the former president would be at the Buttonwood Park Warming House around noon on Super Tuesday...
Strauss on Hands-Free Bill
Strauss on Hands-Free Bill
Strauss on Hands-Free Bill
State Representative William Strauss is defending the hands-free cell phone bill currently making it's way through the State Legislature. The Senate passed a bill similar to the House version last week, requiring hands-free technology such as a bluetooth headset if drivers wish to talk on their phones...

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