There are two camps in America when it comes to the Syrian refugee crisis. The first is with the majority or the conservative, security minded based on very obvious recent history and the other, more liberal conscious, is to ignore these concerns if only to avoid the appearance of intolerance.

President Obama is in the minority group and is pushing to bring in hundreds of thousands of these refugees of which 74% are military age males. His own Justice Department is, at the same time, telling the media that they cannot possibly keep eyes and ears on every suspected Muslim in America who is either a radical or becoming radicalized. They are also publicly stating that they are overwhelmed and astonished by presence of ISIS in all 50 states and the exponential speed of the expanding numbers of those being radicalized here.

Adding to these challenges charged to our FBI, are the hard facts that the president has banned the spying of Mosque activity by our intelligence community in the United States and is also pushing for a speedier process to vet these refugees so they can gain faster entrance into America.

For the reader; President Obama has a very poor record of vetting just who is who, especially in Syria. The White House has dumped over $6 Billion in weapons for the “moderate” Syrian Muslims to combat President Bashaar Assad’s regime. They have all either walked away with these weapons or have joined forces, weapons, ammo and all and joined ISIS.

The most recent embarrassment was the $500 Million provided by the Pentagon to arm and train 500 Syrian “freedom fighters”, only for American advisors to watch 495 of them either walk from the mission or directly defect with the others to join ISIS.

If the CIA and Pentagon don’t know who the hell is who over there, why does anyone think our US Customs & Immigrations would do any better? More emphatically, they would have to fare far better in terms of accuracy because the candidates for entrance would be free to roam our own communities.

ISIS had openly promised that their operatives were in great numbers in the ranks of the refugee masses. They did not lie as evidenced by the attacks in Paris on Friday the 13th, November 2015. Several were provably among the dead after killing 140+ and wounding 352 others.


We cannot let those liberal on this subject attempt to shame the majority of Americans who do not want any part of this refugee group to gain entrance to the United States. We must be strong, resolved and do what is best for our nation.

That being said, there are millions of scared, legitimate refugees who we cannot abandon only to let Assad, ISIS or the sea dictate their fates. That is not who we are.

ISIS genocide

So those who agree with the UN and President Obama here in America are not completely wrong with their concerns for the innocents caught in war..and their legitimate concern that this security measure is not a bigotry directed at Islam itself.

What to do? Well, forget ‘guilting’ the affluent Arab states into taking in these mostly Arab refugees. The only thing they have committed to so far is to fund construction of new Mosques in Europe..for these refugees. They are happy to expand the influence of Islam but not so much willing to provide a safe haven for their fellow Muslims, despite their desperate scenario.

Few can now dispute that the foreign policies of Barack Obama and carried out mostly by Secretary Hillary Clinton have effected the Middle East and North African regions far worse than they are willing to admit and even worse than the policies of George W. Bush. In fact, these actions and inactions have destabilized and divided Europe beyond anyone’s imagination.

The solution must be this;

A global resolve to destroy ISIS, to hold Assad accountable and provide a safe-zone in the region from which these refugees belong. A large area protected by the armed soldiers of the world.

The leader of the free world has got to be far better as the president than to simply accuse and shame his domestic political opposition into being silent on what is clearly a dangerous and reckless plan. This time, it is not just the Republicans criticizing his behavior following the monstrous attacks in Paris. The newspapers and media of the world are astonished by his comparative indifference as his first words about the attack was to assure everyone that his plan was working and that this was just "a setback".

In speaking with a former candidate for U.S. Senate, I was impressed with what he said he'd learned since his unsuccessful race:

The 1st goal of the elected is to consolidate and then expand his or her power.
The 2nd goal is to consolidate and then expand the power of their political party’s power.
The 3rd goal is then to do what is right for their constituents, whether it be city, state or nation.

Pretty scary.

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