Youth United Holding Basketball Sign-Ups
NEW BEDFORD — The Department of Parks, Recreation & Beaches is currently taking basketball sign-ups for the Youth United Summer Basketball League at the Andrea McCoy Recreation Center, 181 Hillman Street. Brian Baptiste, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at UMass Dartmouth will be overseeing the program.
The league starts June 19 and will run until August 18. Residents of New Bedford, Acushnet, Dartmouth and Fairhaven are welcome to participate. The Youth United Summer Basketball League is a co-ed summer league played at Buttonwood Park on Monday and Wednesday evenings, with games held during the July-August season.
The league is for boys and girls ages six through 18. Minors must be accompanied by their guardian. Players that are 18 years of age must provide photo identification. Players will be broken up into the following divisions by age: 6-9, 10-12, 13-14, 15-18. Registration is open and participates may sign up at the discounted rate of $35 until July 8.
For more information regarding registrations and volunteer opportunities, contact the Andrea McCoy Recreation Center at (508) 961-3015.
--City of New Bedford