When it Comes To Early Voting, So Far So Good [Poll]
Pleasingly surprised. That response from New Bedford's Election Commissioner in the early hours of day 1 of early voting. Signed into law by then Governor Deval Patrick, early elections are now mandated in all cities and towns.
For the City of New Bedford, Commissioner Maria Tomasia explains City Hall is the main polling station from Monday October 24-Friday November 4. Monday 10/24, Tuesday 10/25, Wed. 10/26 and Friday 10/28, New Bedford residents can perform their civic duty from 8 AM-4 PM. On Thursday October 27, folks can vote at the Wilkes Library from 1 PM-7 PM and at City Hall from 8 AM-8 PM.
Voting resumes only at City Hall on Saturday October 29, from 8 AM-2 PM and on Sunday October 30, from 11 AM-3 PM.
On Halloween Monday voting kicks in again at 8 AM ending at 4 PM
Tuesday 11/1, Wednesday 11/2 and Friday 11/4 voting at City Hall is from 8 AM-4 PM
Thursday 11/3 brings extended hours to vote. At City Hall from 8 AM-8 PM, and at the Holland Green Library from 1 PM-7 PM.
All City Hall voting is in room 120.
According to Commissioner Tomasia, votes cast during early voting and with an absentee ballot will be placed in locked election containers until Tuesday November 8, when they will be delivered to their proper precinct to be tallied. Tomasia adds vote containers stay in her office during non-voting hours.
Expect more from Tomasia this week on Brian's Beat, 10 AM-Noon