Wareham Is Officially Getting a Dog Park After Grant Approval
Some exciting news was announced Wednesday by the Dog Park Affiliation of Wareham (DPAW) that will have dogs wagging their tails.
The organization received notification from the Stanton Foundation that their grant proposal was officially approved, and the construction of the Wareham Dog Park is finally able to become a reality.
“I was over the moon excited,” said Corey Blanchard, President of DPAW.
Originally, DPAW hoped to hear back by Christmastime, but after a few revisions, the Town of Wareham finally received the call from Stanton Foundation, awarding DPAW $225,000.
“We have been working on this for so long, we’re ready to hit the ground running,” Blanchard said.
The park is going to be a safe and inviting place for dog owners to take their four-legged friends and let them thrive. There will be park benches, doggy bags with dispensable bins, doggy water fountains, and fencing that will enclose the entire area.
The fencing will be five feet high and break up the area into two different dog parks, one large and one small.
While DPAW would love to start today, the Town of Wareham and Stanton Foundation still have to review bids from potential contractors and pick the best ones, but Blanchard and DPAW are ecstatic to get moving with their dream that is years in the making.
“We will have a breaking ground ceremony to celebrate with everyone and get everyone really excited,” Blanchard said. “It’s been a long time coming.”
Stay tuned for the official date.
The entire team at DPAW is volunteer-based, and their passion for the project shows through the past several years of trying to get this project up and running. The moment is finally here, and DPAW hopes to start clearing the land as soon as possible.
“It’s a great feat that the board has accomplished,” praised Blanchard.
Looks like Wareham is officially going to the dogs.