The World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade Returns to Little Compton
It might be the shortest St. Patrick's Day parade you'll ever witness, but its strength in numbers makes up for it.
Once again, the mighty village of Adamsville in Little Compton, Rhode Island, is rallying together on March 18 to host what is being referred to as the world's shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade — and it's all for a great cause. Per usual, the money raised from donations and ticket holders will help out the Little Compton Food Bank, which also helps Tiverton residents.
Chuck, Mike and Will Kinanne, along with their cousin Pat, are the brains behind the operation, with help from the Little Compton Historical Society for a day filled with fun and Irish tradition. The parade steps off at 2 p.m. from the lampost of Kinnane family neighbor Bill Smith's driveway (34A Main St., Civil Engineers Concepts Inc.) and will finish at the Kinnane driveway.
The official parade measurement of 89 feet will be taken by Marjory O'Toole of Little Compton Historical Society, using a tape measurer, alongside the grand marshalls and Jim Manning who will cut the ribbon to officially start the parade.
"We got a huge response this year and will continue onward, rain or shine," Chuck Kinanne said. "We're looking forward to seeing everyone come out for a good time knowing it's supporting a good cause."
We won't give away too much, but what you can look forward to are the Live Irish step dancers from Clann Lir Academy, pipes and drums from The Portland District Pipers, viral TikTok quintet Scottish Fish playing Irish and Scottish music, the Colonial Navy of Massachusetts singing sea shanties and much more.
The parade is open to the public and doesn't cost a dime to attend.
Following the parade, Fred and Heather Melnyk, along with their daughters and the staff of Bootleg BBQ in Westport are donating all the catering to enjoy with some live Irish music.
Get your Irish on at a parade like no other.