
Carter in Court
Carter in Court
Carter in Court
TAUNTON, Mass. (AP) - A Massachusetts woman charged with involuntary manslaughter for sending her boyfriend text messages encouraging him to kill himself is due in court. Lawyers for 20-year-old Michelle Carter are expected to argue Friday that a jury should not be allowed to hear about statements Carter made to police...
Thousands Ticketed For Texting In Massachusetts
Thousands Ticketed For Texting In Massachusetts
Thousands Ticketed For Texting In Massachusetts
An alarming number of Massachusetts residents are texting while driving and guess who the biggest offenders are?  If you guessed teenaged girls or women in general...WRONG! The state's director of Highway Safety, Jeff Larson tells The Boston Globe, "Adults do the vast amount of texting while driving...
Stop On Red Week
Stop On Red Week
Stop On Red Week
This week is Stop On Red week, designated by the National Coalition for Safer Roads. I know, designated weeks for this ailment or to prevent that bad behavior happen so frequently, we can't remember one week  or the other.  But certainly, Stop on Red is a message just about everyone can relate to...
Is Texting Making Kids Nearsighted?
Is Texting Making Kids Nearsighted?
Is Texting Making Kids Nearsighted?
I noticed members in my own family squinting and trying to focus on the tiny print of their cell phones. Between computers, cell phones and tablets, these electronic devices may be taking a toll on both, our eyes and our kid's eyes! Optometrists are reporting that years ago, sixth graders would come in with their parents to get fitted for glasses...

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