Startling Survey Shows What Keeps People From Using Self-CheckoutStartling Survey Shows What Keeps People From Using Self-CheckoutRecent survey shows just what would make people change their minds about using self-checkout lanes. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Minimum Wage Hike May Cost You Your Job [OPINION]Minimum Wage Hike May Cost You Your Job [OPINION]Robots and self-checkout could replace Massachusetts workers.Barry RichardBarry Richard
OPINION|Barry Richard: McDonald's Plans Self-Order in All StoresOPINION|Barry Richard: McDonald's Plans Self-Order in All StoresMcDonald's has said it wants self-serve kiosks in all stores by 2020 to add another option for those ordering. But how will that affect jobs?Barry RichardBarry Richard
OPINION | Barry Richard: Cashier or Self-Checkout?OPINION | Barry Richard: Cashier or Self-Checkout?Do you prefer using a 'live' cashier or self-checkout at the store?Barry RichardBarry Richard