Subrosa, New Bedford's smallest bar located beneath downtown's Rose Alley Ale House, offers a unique and intimate cocktail experience in a chic, hidden setting.
David McDermott of Sandwich, Massachusetts, makes the mugs earned by hundreds of participants yearly in Rose Alley Ale House's annual New Bedford beer summit.
Julissa Maldonado of New Bedford, serving with the U.S. Army in Kuwait, sent a loving message home to Rose Alley Ale House where she's the karaoke queen.
The annual Rose Alley Ale House Beer Summit is almost upon us, and the task may be a little intimidating to beginners or those who aren't too familiar with craft beer.
I admit that I have never been to this New Bedford gem. However, after seeing the wings in this video, I am taking my lunch break a little early and headed to Rose Alley Ale House. Who's in?
Let's face it, there's nothing more delicious than a taco. Sure, all that greasy ground beef isn't the best thing for you, but you rationalize it by dumping tons of shredded lettuce, tomatoes, olives, guacamole and whatever else catches your fancy on top of that greasy goodness and saying to yourself, "Eh, it's pretty much the same as eating a salad."