
Study Show Reading Benefits the Brain
Study Show Reading Benefits the Brain
Study Show Reading Benefits the Brain
Reading a novel can benefit the brain. Researchers at Atlanta's Emory University invited 21 students to participate in a study in which they all read the same novel over the course of three weeks. After reading a section of the book, each student was given an MRI scan to see whether there were changes to their normal brain pattern...
Most Important Part of a Great Story
Most Important Part of a Great Story
Most Important Part of a Great Story
Would you agree, the most important line in a great story is the first line? Like a hook, if the first line is a terrific one, you'll want to turn the rest of the pages. So, before I ask you to share your great opening line of a book, here are some classics you may remember...
“Controversial” Summer Reading List Discussed
“Controversial” Summer Reading List Discussed
“Controversial” Summer Reading List Discussed
Parents, staff members, and students expressed their feelings over the most recent Hastings Middle School 8th grade summer reading list to the Fairhaven School Committee Wednesday night. Many parents are up in arms over several of the titles from the 24-book collection, saying students are being subjected to innappropriate material such as foul language and extremely detailed sex acts including be