
MA Athletes in the 2024 Summer Olympics
MA Athletes in the 2024 Summer Olympics
MA Athletes in the 2024 Summer Olympics
The level of discipline and dedication required to soar high enough in a sport to represent the United States of America is almost unthinkable.  From your nutrition to your time, endless sacrifices are made that constantly putting your athletic career ahead of all else.  Th...
Climate Change Vote
Climate Change Vote
Climate Change Vote
BOSTON (AP) _ The Massachusetts House of Representatives has approved legislation that commits the state to the Paris climate accord even though the U.S. is no longer participating. The House voted 145-10 on Wednesday in favor of the bill sponsored by Rep...
Political Correctness Has Crippled America From Being Safe
Political Correctness Has Crippled America From Being Safe
Political Correctness Has Crippled America From Being Safe
“When I am president, we will wage the war that has to be won, with a comprehensive strategy with five elements: getting out of Iraq and on to the right battlefield in Afghanistan and Pakistan; developing the capabilities and partnerships we need to take out the terrorists and the world’s most deadly weapons; engaging the world to dry up support for terror and extremism; restoring our values; and
Obama Praises Climate Deal
Obama Praises Climate Deal
Obama Praises Climate Deal
(Associated Press) - President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry hailed the newly passed international climate change agreement as a major achievement that could help turn the tide on global warming, but got a quick reminder that Republicans will fight it all the way ...
Obama: No Credible Threat
Obama: No Credible Threat
Obama: No Credible Threat
President Obama says there is no specific credible evidence of a terror plot in the U.S. The President spoke from the White House today after meeting with his national security advisers. He said the nation is doing everything it can to prevent terror attacks at home and abroad...

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