If you received a 13% tax rebate from the Massachusetts government last year due to excess revenues in state coffers, you might be wondering: is that taxable income? The IRS doesn't know.
The New Bedford Police Union says it filed a Charge of Prohibited Practice against the city on Friday with the Massachusetts Department of Labor (DLR).
Geez, why didn't I think of that? Post a sign asking people not to panhandle or give to panhandlers. Think it will work? Ideas like that could get me elected to the New Bedford City Council.
Cities all across the fruited plain are grappling with the problem of panhandlers at busy intersections...
The Mattapoisett Chowder House has closed.
The restaurant posted a notice on their Facebook page on Saturday saying that they were closed for good.
While the post did thank the public for their support, no reason for the closure was given...