
Bad Policies Drive Philips From Fall River
Bad Policies Drive Philips From Fall River
Bad Policies Drive Philips From Fall River
Fall River's legislative delegation is noted for its photo op moments. These folks missed their calling--they should have been models. Perhaps if they had, they might not have been a party to the job-killing policies they continue to support that are driving jobs out of Fall River and Massachusetts...
Trump and Fishing
Trump and Fishing
Trump and Fishing
In an industry that has been bogged down with federal regulations, fishing representatives are hoping for a big silver lining with President-Elect Donald Trump. While many across the country have expressed concern with Trump's stance on social issues, Jim Kendall of New Bedford Seafood Consulting is more concerned with Trump's knowledge and understanding of business to put the fishing industry on
NB Marijuana Dispensary?
Two New Bedford City Councilors filed a motion to discuss the medical marijuana dispensary industry and its possible role in the city during Thursday's meeting, suggesting it can boost the local economy while also driving down opioid addiction.

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