
How Will EEE Threat Go Away?
How Will EEE Threat Go Away?
How Will EEE Threat Go Away?
Exactly how and when will the critical/high risk for EEE that has plagued the SouthCoast be dropped? We spoke to Catherine Brown, the doctor at the Massachusetts Department of Health that makes that decision. Most on the SouthCoast are aware that we are awaiting the first "hard" frost (or killing frost) to wipe out the remaining mosquitos...
NB Mom Arrested
NB Mom Arrested
NB Mom Arrested
QUINCY - A New Bedford mother pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Quincy District Court to multiple charges after police say she left her 1-year-old son, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, with his grandparents while she was out getting high...
Massachusetts Gas Prices Tumble, Still High
Massachusetts Gas Prices Tumble, Still High
Massachusetts Gas Prices Tumble, Still High
Gas prices in Massachusetts have tumbled seven cents per gallon in the past week, yet remain above the national average.   AAA Southern New England reports Monday that the average price of a gallon of self-serve, regular has fallen to $3...