
Macabre Memories of the SouthCoast’s Haunted Amusement Park
Macabre Memories of the SouthCoast’s Haunted Amusement Park
Macabre Memories of the SouthCoast’s Haunted Amusement Park
One of Dartmouth’s most iconic spots was also one of its most haunted. For decades, generations of SouthCoast families spent the day at Lincoln Park, riding the roller coaster and other rides without a care in the world, unaware of the paranormal power that lay beneath the park...
British Family Seeks Nanny to Work in Haunted House
British Family Seeks Nanny to Work in Haunted House
British Family Seeks Nanny to Work in Haunted House
Looking for a good-paying job with plenty of time off? There's just one catch, and it's a spooky one. A British family who says they live in a haunted house is seeking to hire a nanny for their two kids. The family posted an ad on a British childcare website listing the nanny's salary as 50-thousand dollars with 28 days off...
Haunted Street in Mattapoisett
Haunted Street in Mattapoisett
Haunted Street in Mattapoisett
Yet another SouthCoast haunted location has gone viral on social media, and everyone's been tagging me in the story and posting it on my Facebook wall, asking if I'd ever heard of what OnlyInYourState.com is calling "Massachusetts' Most Haunted Street": Wolf Island Road in Mattapoisett...

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