First Amendment

Hulkster Awarded $115 Million
Hulkster Awarded $115 Million
Hulkster Awarded $115 Million
A Florida jury is awarding 115-million-dollars to wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan after part of a sex tape was posted online. Hogan sued after a clip of the tape was published back in 2012. Hogan said he didn't know he was being filmed when he had sex with his best friend's wife back in 2006...
Panhandling Tough Problem
Panhandling Tough Problem
Panhandling Tough Problem
Mayor Jon Mitchell says there's no easy answers to getting panhandlers off the streets of New Bedford. Speaking on his weekly radio program on Wednesday, Mitchell said the courts have protected the First Amendment rights of panhandlers who ask for money...
For-Profit Schools Sue AG
For-Profit Schools Sue AG
For-Profit Schools Sue AG
An association representing for-profit schools is suing Attorney General Martha Coakley over new regulations they say are unconstitutional. Coakley says the regulations require for-profit and occupational schools to provide accurate information to the public while prohibiting misleading advertising and addressing unfair lending practices...