DNA Evidence
DNA Evidence
DNA Evidence
A crime lab scientist testifying in the murder trial of former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez has testified that his DNA matched DNA found on a cigarette butt at the crime scene. Diane Fife Biagiotti of the Massachusetts state police crime lab, testified Friday...
SJC To Hear Arguments in 1993 Lakeville Murder Case
SJC To Hear Arguments in 1993 Lakeville Murder Case
SJC To Hear Arguments in 1993 Lakeville Murder Case
A man convicted in the rape and murder of an 83-year-old woman is asking Massachusetts' highest court to order prosecutors to give him access to biological evidence found at the crime scene so he can do DNA testing.       Robert Wade's lawyers say the DNA testing would support his claim of innocence. His...
DNA Ruling
DNA Ruling
DNA Ruling
In what some are calling a vagueley defined ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has stated it's completely legal for police officers to take DNA samples from serious arrests. Under the ruling, officers will be able to swab the inside of the mouth of a suspect to collect a DNA sample, and then archive the sample into a database...
Female DNA Detected On Boston Bomb Device
Female DNA Detected On Boston Bomb Device
Female DNA Detected On Boston Bomb Device
At least one device used in the Boston Marathon Bombing is showing traces of female DNA. Agents removed bags of evidence from the home of suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev's widow. Katherine Russell has denied any involvement in the deadly attack, but DNA samples were among the evidence agents collected from her home Monday...