On Monday, the state reported 188 COVID-19 cases in New Bedford. But the city that day was tracking 250 cases in numbers directly from health care providers.
Officials with Massachusetts' tax collection agency say a data breach that exposed information from business taxpayers was twice as large as first thought.
The results are in for the students of New Bedford Public Schools.
Supt. Pia Durkin presented the district's end-of-year testing data during Monday night's School Committee meeting, which is compared to test results gathered in the beginning of the year.
Staples says that it is looking into a potential credit card data breach and that it has been in touch with law enforcement officials about the issue.
The office supplier retailer said that if it turns up any data discrepancies during its investigation, customers won't be responsible for fraudulent activity on their credit cards as long as it is reported in a timely manner...
Former State Rep. John Quinn of Dartmouth has just about completed his first three-day meeting as a member of the New England Regional Fisheries Management Council.
The meeting took place in Plymouth, and Quinn says the validity of scientific data dominated most of the discussion...