On April 21-22, 1977, three teenagers each had an encounter with a mysterious creature that came to be known as the 'Dover Demon.' The case remains unsolved to this day.
Southeastern Mass. is a major focus of those interested in the paranormal, mainly due to the hauntings, sightings and experiences in the Bridgewater Triangle.
Happy National Paranormal Day!
In order to celebrate, here are some episodes of our own Spooky Southcoast, one of the world's most listened-to paranormal radio programs. The show has been on the air for over 11 years, with nearly 500 episodes...
A woman found in California claims she's a mermaid.
The woman was found wet and almost totally naked near Table Mountain in Fresno County at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning. She told officers she had been in a nearby lake, and claimed to be a mermaid named Joanna...