Only a couple of days until Turkey Day, and about 500 cases of gravy are being recalled because the jars may be filled with a different gravy which may cause an allergy concern.
After being appointed by the Acushnet Board of Selectmen on March 14, the Acushnet Citizens Advisory Committee on LNG presented its final report to selectmen and residents at the Council on Aging Wednesday evening.
The Kellogg Company has voluntarily recalled certain snacks for possible, undeclared peanut residue. The recall comes after its flour supplier, Grain Craft, issued a recall on wheat flour that could contain low levels of peanut residue.
BOSTON (AP) - Lawmakers are weighing revisions to a bill that would expand protections for transgender people in public places, including restrooms, in Massachusetts.
A redrafted version of a bill originally filed in the House appears aimed at addressing concerns that have been raised by critics who say the safety and privacy of women and children in bathrooms or locker rooms could be compromised
As Eversource begins the permitting process for a new LNG storage facility in Acushnet, a group of over 70 opponents met to discuss blocking the project Wednesday night.
Hundreds of people attended the first of many informational meetings regarding the expansion of Eversource's liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility, located on Peckham Rd., Wednesday evening at Ford Middle School.
More residents are getting involved in discussions about the proposed New Bedford waterfront casino, with less than two weeks away from the citywide referendum.