New Bedford Seniors Offered Classes in Cell Phone UseNew Bedford Seniors Offered Classes in Cell Phone UseCoastline of New Bedford is offering free classes in the new year that will educate seniors on how to use their cell phones, tablets and other devices.Barry RichardBarry Richard
Coastline's 45th Anniversary [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Coastline's 45th Anniversary [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Coastline offers many programs to help seniors in areas like home health care, housing, financial management, and senior nutrition. Jim PhillipsJim Phillips
Ombusman Needed for Nursing Home Residents [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Ombusman Needed for Nursing Home Residents [TOWNSQUARE SUNDAY]Coastline's Ombudsman Program works to resolve the concerns of residents in nursing and rest homes in Greater New Bedford. Jim PhillipsJim Phillips