State Rep. Carole Fiola announces that temporary lights on the Braga Bridge have been removed for with the permanent lighting expected to be installed by 2026.
Local community volunteer organization Bristol County for Correctional Justice has announced its endorsement of Attleboro Mayor Paul Heroux for Bristol County Sheriff.
Fall River's legislative delegation is noted for its photo op moments. These folks missed their calling--they should have been models. Perhaps if they had, they might not have been a party to the job-killing policies they continue to support that are driving jobs out of Fall River and Massachusetts...
FALL RIVER - The widow of a Fall River firefighter who died of brain cancer may receive an accidental death benefit under newly filed legislation.
The State House News Service says Fall River State Representative Carole Fiola and Westport State Senator Michael Rodrigues have jointly filed a bill that would grant Angela Franco about $29,000 a year for the death of Adam Franco in 2015...