A true story about voodoo, three deaths that may have been caused by a curse, a mysterious fish doll, black magic and the toll it took on a SouthCoast family.
Walter DaSilva pleaded guilty Friday to second-degree murder and admitted to killing Bristol Community College student Sabrina DaSilva in New Bedford in 2016.
A group of 20 immigrants took the Oath of Allegiance to become citizens of the United States Friday morning at New Bedford's Immigrants Assistance Center.
The convoluted accounts of what exactly happened to the US Olympian swimmers has been confusing from the start. It just didn't make any sense to me. But I believed Ryan Lochte when he said, "I wouldn't make up a story like this nor would the others - as a matter of fact we all feel it makes us look bad," he told NBC TV...
A mattress company from Brazil has made the ultimate bunk bed for pampered pets, which is a mattress with a built-in compartment that lets owners and animals doze together.
Ivete Medeiros was working at a store near Rio De Janeiro, Brazil when she heard a commotion in the marketplace. When Medeiros went outside to find out what was going on, she was hit just under her left breast with a bullet. A passer-by on the street was being held up by a thief and one of the bullets lodged into Medeiros' underwire...